Talks now on Slideshare
I’ve uploaded a number of my more recent talks to Slideshare. Physics, with occasionally a wee bit of speculation admixed:
- Thought experiments – talk done 1st April 2012 for the Ben Franklin Thinking Society. Role of thought experiments in history, use by Galileo & by noted violinist, how they can turn into real experiments.
- Not Your Grandfather’s Gravity – done last year (2011) on the latest developments in the suddenly hot area of gravity. The stuff on faster-than-light neutrinos is, alas, already out of date: boring won: looks as if the FTL neutrinos were due to experimental error. But Verlinde’s entropic gravity is still one of the most promising lines of attack.
- Temporal Paradoxes – physics talk given at NASA’s Goddard Space Center 2011. A slightly NASA-fied version of a talk I’d given at several SF conventions in 2010.
- Quantum time – physics talk given at Feynman Festival in Olomouc in 2009. I did popular versions of that talk as well.
- How to build a (real) time machine – talk given at several SF conventions in 2009.
- Life, the Universe, & the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Or, the Infinite Probability drive. About the role of entropy in the universe, complete with Babelfish. 2008.
- Faster Than Light – talk on faster than light travel: theory, practice, applications. Given at several SF conventions in 2007.
- Confused at a Higher Level – arguably one of the funniest talks ever given about problems in quantum mechanics. OK, competition not that fierce. Given at several SF conventions in 2004.
- The Physics of Time Travel. Review of time, with respect to the bending, stretching, folding, & tormenting thereof. Given at Philcon & Balticon (in various versions) in 2003.
- The Future of Time Travel – mostly about the science fiction thereof. Probably 2002.
These are not all of my talks — I’ve probably done 20 or 30 SF talks over the last 20 years, at least one per year — these are just the ones done using Keynote or Powerpoint. The 2005 & 2006 talks have gone walkabout. If they reappear, I will upload. I generally talk at Balticon, Philcon, & more recently Capclave. I’ve spoken twice at Farpoint, but that is really more of a media convention, not as good a fit.
Talks before 2002 were done with Word & overheads. Overheads are easier to make than slides, but have a tendency to get bent, flipped, out of order, or in one especially memorable talk: burnt. That talk I was doing at the Franklin Inn Club: the projector failed at the last minute & I had to rent another from a nearby camera shop. The rented projector ran hot. If I stayed on a specific slide for more than 60 seconds, the slide began to smoke. Literally. Colored smoke of course, wafting in strange tendrils towards the ceiling. Taught me a lot about pacing, mostly to make it faster.
By the way the word you are looking for, in re me & time travel, is not obsessed, it is focused. Let’s just be clear about that.
Other talk(s), marginally less speculative:
- Overview of Backbone – talk on the jQuery library Backbone, given at PhillyCoders. April 2012.
- How to Destroy a Database – talk on database security. October 2007. Wile E. Coyote & other experts on correctness & security are enlisted to help make key points.
- Getting started with MySQL – talk given at PACS and my Macintosh programming group in 2006. Manages to work in the Sumerians, the Three Stooges, a rocket-powered daschhund, some unicorns, and – of course – dolphins (the totem animal of MySQL).