Tales from the Miskatonic University Library Has Escaped into the Real World

Only by purchasing mass quantities can you ensure that its deletorious effects are not too widely felt.

You may order from my co-editor Darrell Schweitzer ($24.99 + $4.00 shipping) or from me directly ($25.00 but I don’t ship) or from PSPublishing (£20.00).

My first book but Darrell’s N-th (see his wikipedia page!).

I’m rather pleased (& a bit relieved) to see it came out pretty well.  All thirteen stories are good, each in their own way.  And Darrell & I each did introductions.  His is light-hearted & not to be taken seriously while mine is in deadly earnest.

So if you want to find out why not to use a spell-checker on the Necronomicon, or wonder what the gastronomic possibilities of Cthulhu are, look no further.

And remember, every copy you purchase saves another hapless human from an otherwise dire & unavoidable fate!

PS.  And if you would like to see snippets of Darrell & myself opining on matters Lovecraftian, we were on PBS recently, in a segment from Articulate TV.

StarGate to Baltimore Opening in Six Days!

Beware of Unexpected Doors!

Call them Stargates, Jumpgates, Fargates, Hypergates or just an invitation to every unwanted pest from the far reaches of the Galaxy to visit, they are absolutely necessary if we are to have the glorious Science Fiction action we desperately need.  Could they actually be built?  Modern physics may permit, but: how to glue black holes together to build a wormhole, how to avoid the dangers of spaghettification, radiation poisoning and paradox noise, and just what would it take to build one in practice?

I’ve just finished revising my StarGates — the theory & practice — for Balticon. It’s a Good News/Bad News thing: Bad News: we don’t know how to build them, Good News: we can’t prove we can’t, someday!1)(Or is that Good News:  they can’t get to us yet, Bad News:  but they just might anyway.

Slides for talk now up on SlideShare; comments & questions very welcome.

Talk will be this coming Saturday, May 27, 9am at Balticon. If in the neighborhood, drop by. If not in the neighborhood, spin up a stargate & jump in!

References   [ + ]

1. (Or is that Good News:  they can’t get to us yet, Bad News:  but they just might anyway.

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